ACL PABO Questions

Your Feedback on Legally Protected Actions

Don’t SupportSupportUnsure
Participate in stop work bans for periods of 2 hours up to 24 hours
Speak to patients, their families, and the community about the purpose of the campaign during working hours.
Provide patients, their families, and the community with written campaign material during working hours.
Wear your campaign t-shirt during working hours.
Wear your campaign badge during working hours.
Display posters, slogans, colours in the workplace containing campaign information.
Write messages representing the concerns of employees regarding the enterprise agreement negotiations on the employer’s vehicles.
Refuse to operate employer’s vehicles that have an odometer reading in excess of 200,000 kilometres.
Refuse to operate employer’s vehicles that have not been serviced in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines.
Refuse to use personal telephones for work purposes.
Refuse to operate facsimile and scanning machines.
Refuse to use Clinical Lab’s email systems.
Refuse to conduct patient urine drug screens.
Refuse to perform ECG (Electro Cardio Graph), unless marked urgent on the referral slip.
Refuse to batch specimens in coloured bags and instead bag specimens as a single test.
Refuse to conduct spinning of a specimen, unless marked urgent on the referral slip.
Refuse to cuff blood pressure monitors, unless marked urgent on the referral slip.
Refuse to aliquot urine samples.
Refuse to connect holter monitors to patients, unless marked urgent on the referral slip.
Cease highlighting of blood tubes.
Refuse to obtain patients’ signatures on referrals.
Refuse to fax referrals to HUED.
Refuse to affix barcodes to referrals, unless marked urgent.
Refuse to affix barcodes to tubes, unless marked urgent.
Refuse to scan location barcodes on lockboxes.
Name/Phone Number/Email